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NACSW CNWI Status Achieved!

Now an offical CNWI™ ready to continue to help people and their”pet” dogs to achieve their goals in Nosework™. It was hard work but great fun too. I met some very talented, hard working people with wonderful ideas and goals. Much of our “free Time” was spent discussing students and the stories of how they were[…]

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NW1 & NW2 Mock Trial Welkinweir

September 29th 2012 – NW1 / NW2 Mock Trials at Welkinweir. On September 29th 2012 we hosted a mock trial at Welkinweir in Northern Chester County, PA. 52 teams got a chance to simulate the conditions of a NW1 or NW2 trial. I got to put a face to the many names of NW friends I only[…]

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Welcome Friends

Welcome to my site for Scentwork Training and Supplies. I have been enjoying Noseworks®  with my two Belgian Trevurens Rory and Skye since the summer of 2010. It has been an incredible journey with much more to offer than I ever imagined. I hope to share with all who visit this site some of the fun[…]