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2016 … May the SOURCE be with you!

2015 was a year of ups and downs.

K9 NWSource tripled in volume and we made many new friends in the world of “Nosework”.

I was forced to close for part of the summer when an unexpected illness struck in April and then again in July. It was a herculean feat but with the help of family and friends K9 NWSource re-opened in Nov of 2015. With many new products being added each week. A “T” Shirt campaign on showcased our original design “May the SOURCE be with you”. My daughter Dani came to work Part Time at K9 NWSource and we would not be able to continue without her.

My adult Belgian Trevurens Rory and Skye both pulled me thru NW3’s. The youngest Terv Trace got his NW2 the same month he had just turned 1 year old.

I sat on the sidelines for many months recuperating from an extended illness. Great support from my extended “Nosework” family was very appreciated and a great help to get me back to the sport I love.

We have requested to host another trial in 2016!

Will keep you posted.